Crown Acquisition Technologies’ deep experience in processing data and the same engineering capabilities that deployed solutions for situational awareness allowed for a seamless transition to employing data analytics in the areas of forecasting, and medical analytics. Our logistics and sustainment solutions deliver performance reliability and maintainability for the full life cycle of our products, utilizing a unique life cycle framework, which builds on our technical strengths, ensuring relevant capabilities at the lowest total cost.

Crown Acquisition Technologies develops, manufactures and markets products that simplify, automate and innovate in multiple areas of Engineering and Bio Sciences. Crown Acquisition Technologies employees operate in both Engineering and Bio Sciences laboratories on five continents. For more than 15 years, our products have been making a difference in peoples' lives by improving the productivity of professionals and scientists, supplying critical information for improving products and delivering trusted solutions for research and discovery.

Crown Acquisition Technologies' diagnostics customers include laboratories around the world and produce information used by engineers and scientist to diagnose an array of issues, make critical decisions and monitor extensive progress. Crown Acquisition Technologies is a contractor for multiple government agencies as well as fortune 500 companies. We draw the brightest minds and give them work that excites them, producing patents, and inventions that are pushing the limits of engineering and taking mankind to new levels of discovery.